San Marco
Eastern Po Valley, Emilia-Romagna region
292.5km2 (72,288 acres)
AleAnna Working Interest
The San Marco permit is surrounded by large gas fields producing from Pliocene (Porto Corsini & Porto Garibaldi) reservoirs. The Abbadesse-1dir well was a success, a production concession application has been filed. In December 2016 the Region has declared the project “compatible with prescriptions” from the environmental standpoint. AleAnna is awaiting final approval on this concession from the Ministry of Economic Deveopment.
AleAnna acquired 51 2D seismic linesover the permit from ENI, and portions of two 3D surveys over the NW portion of the permit. This has resulted in the identification of multiple leads. Two drilling permits, the Rossetta-1d and the Lugatti-1d, have been filed and drilling is expected to commence in early 2018.